Into December now and 2016 approaches. The crew have worked hard all year (even in January which is traditionally very quiet for our industry) and we are now starting to wind down pre Christmas. It’s been a good year, reinforcing relationships with longstanding clients and starting relationships with new ones. We’ve had some really nice feedback from many clients who have been very appreciative of the crews’ hard work, skills and flexibility in their approach to projects. I’m very lucky to have such a strong team around me, they like working together and that sense of ‘teamwork’ is definitely felt by them and clients on site. The investment in the new website has been extremely worthwhile with several jobs coming directly from it and some of those clients already coming back to us and recommending SEC. Looks like an early start for next year with bookings already in the diary from the beginning of January! Wishing all readers of this blog a very Merry Christmas, have a break, enjoy time with your friends and family and all the best for 2016.