Much as expected, September has been an incredibly busy month for all the crew, with loads of calls being booked in advance and as many being booked last minute by clients in varying degrees of panic!! We started the month working at the Attenborough Centre (the newly refurbished Gardner Arts centre) at Sussex Uni. It will be interesting to see what sort of events are hosted there when it fully opens in the spring. We had crew at a few local music festivals (Together the People, Boomerang and Breakout) building stages and putting up LED screens. It’s also been the month for Goodwood Revival and Southampton Boat Show, where crew were kept very busy building stands for car and boat companies. Also, for the first time for us, crew built an outdoor roller skating rink. In the last couple of weeks we’ve been involved in jobs in Bournemouth for the LibDem conference and in Brighton for the Labour party. Brighton’s Amex stadium also hosted some of the Rugby World Cup matches (yes, we were working there too!) and it was great to see such a great match (Japan vs South Africa) being played on our local ground. In the last few days we’ve had jobs at the De La Warr (in Bexhill) for PiL and UB40 and at Pontins (Camber Sands), oh the glamour of it all!

Boat Show  crew group  Goodwood